Microsoft unveils Project Brainwave for real-time AI — Attorney Nessler

Microsoft unveils Project Brainwave for real-time AI

Microsoft recently revealed a new deep learning acceleration platform, code named Project Brainwave.  Microsoft touts that this cutting edge deep learning system will show high actual performance with low latency.  Microsoft plans to use Project Brainwave to offer a real time artificial intelligence (AI) solution to its Azure customers. 

Follow the link to Microsoft's blog post to learn more about Project Brainwave.

From the article:

We architected this system to show high actual performance across a wide range of complex models, with batch-free execution. Companies and researchers building DNN accelerators often show performance demos using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Since CNNs are so compute intensive, it is comparatively simple to achieve high performance numbers. Those results are often not representative of performance on more complex models from other domains, such as LSTMs or GRUs for natural language processing. Another technique that DNN processors often use to boost performance is running deep neural networks with high degrees of batching. While this technique is effective for throughput-based architectures—as well as off-line scenarios such as training—it is less effective for real-time AI. With large batches, the first query in a batch must wait for all of the many queries in the batch to complete. Our system, designed for real-time AI, can handle complex, memory-intensive models such as LSTMs, without using batching to juice throughput.

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