This article is relatively short, but offers great insight on why a strong Google presence matters. The article includes three basic but important steps to help a business put its best foot forward when beginning to develop a Google strategy. The most important bit of information in this article is at the end, produce quality content.
Google analytics is a very powerful tool. Jeff and Uros at Jeffalytics created ten videos that will help a new user of Google Analytics learn the basics. As Uros notes, this is not an "ultimate or definitive guide". These are informative videos that answer a lot of basic questions about Google Analytics.
Technology and law intersect in many areas. Sometimes, technology advances what a law firm is capable of producing. Sometimes, technology allows for court documents to be filed and retrieved electronically. Sometimes, a Court is faced with considering how laws drafted prior to a technological advancement apply to that technological advancement. This article discusses the latter. How do certain Illinois' laws designed to protect residents’ biometric data interplay with Facebook's facial recognition software?
Data Security is an important issue that all lawyers should take the time to understand. Data security, like so many topics, covers a vast area of information. Sometimes, finding a place to start is the real barrier to learning about a topic. This article is an easy place to start researching this topic.
Avoiding criminal prosecution on the basis of "insanity" is not as common as many people might think. This article discusses this rarely successful defense.