An AI ‘Spell-Check for Lawyers,’ But Will They Trust It?

An AI ‘Spell-Check for Lawyers,’ But Will They Trust It?

This is a very informative interview with Shmuli Goldberg, a vice president of marketing for LawGeex.  Recently, LawGeex revealed that the artificial intelligence for lawyers the company is working on outperformed twenty lawyers in a challenge to read non-disclosure agreements in contracts.  

Artificial intelligence is changing how lawyers practice law and operate law firms.  This interview is a good introduction to one of those ways.  

Why you want blockchain-based AI, even if you don’t know it yet

Why you want blockchain-based AI, even if you don’t know it yet

This is an excellent article that explores using blockchain technology to allow individuals to buy and sell information that can be used to create big sets of data for use by artificial intelligence (AI).  

While this may sound complicated, the author, Jeremy Epstein, does an excellent job of introducing the reader to AI, what is necessary to create useful AI, and how blockchain might be used to create a marketplace to exchange the data necessary for useful AI.

3 Web Giants That Could Be Decentralized on a Blockchain

3 Web Giants That Could Be Decentralized on a Blockchain

Blockchain is disrupting the digital world.  A wide variety of businesses are already implementing blockchain into day-to-day operations.  This very well written and thought provoking article explores how three well established web-based companies might operate if decentralized.  This article should help the reader conceptualize the types of changes blockchain and decentralization will bring to otherwise well established business models.

Revisit Blockchain's Fundamentals

Revisit Blockchain's Fundamentals

Many experts believe the broad adoption of blockchain technology is going to impact how lawyers practice law and how law firms are operated.  Blockchain technology is a very important technology for lawyers to familiarize themselves with.  This article examines what blockchain is and discusses various potential applications of this world-changing technology.