Artificial intelligence will change the practice of law. Very large law firms will be the first to adopt this technology, and already are .All law firms will eventually participate to some degree.
Artificial intelligence will change the practice of law. Very large law firms will be the first to adopt this technology, and already are .All law firms will eventually participate to some degree.
A common complaint amongst lawyers is they "don't have enough time" to include social media in their marketing. This post is a great time saver for a not-insignificant part of effective social media marketing: Giving your followings valuable information.
The Illinois State Bar Association regularly prepare very good and concise synopses of opinions issued by the Illinois Appellate Court and the Illinois Supreme Court. These synopses provide a snap shot of the law contained within the opinions.
President Trump nominated a new member to the Supreme Court of the United States last night. He nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch. Before Judge Gorsuch is appointed to the Supreme Court, his nomination must be confirmed by the Senate. There are several steps to this process.
Computer scientists are making tremendous progress in the field of artificial intelligence. The development of AI is giving rise to very interesting and complex ethical and legal questions. For instance, when we let artificial intelligence guess what is the most ethical choice amongst two undesirable options, what happens if the AI chooses poorly? Should AI be permitted to make these choices if the choice might result in the loss of human life?